Boys & Girls 5-7.5 Years
Meeting Times: Monday 5.30pm-6.30pm
Joey Scouts
The Joey Scout section is for boys and girls aged 5 (only if they have started school) or 6 years to around 7½ years old (maximum 8 years old), with opportunities for:
★ Playing sport, games and doing other activities in a safe & fun way (eg. food, crafts, Special Person’s nights, learning about disabilities or different countries)
★ Occasional excursions (eg. visit vet or Charity Warehouse or Old Peoples Home, go swimming or rollerskating), sleepovers or movie nights
★ Occasional family or group activities (eg. family camp, Zoo Day, Trips).
Our Joey Scouts meet on Monday nights from 5.30pm to 6.30pm.
What to expect from Joey Scouts
Joeys are boys and girls aged between six and eight. Each week there is a theme to the meeting that may include games, activities, crafts, and a story. The story or sometimes a song may take place while the Joey Scouts are having a small break in which they will share some fruit.
There is a sleepover that takes place at the Scout Hall usually once a school term. This is a big step in our young Joey Scouts finding confidence in sleeping away from home. Even if their parents are there, it’s still different!
Joey Scouts all wear a uniform which allows members to be identified as part of the group. The Joey Scout program will help Joey Scouts learn about self, nature, helping others and as a result find fun. Joey Scouts will also receive badges through the participation scheme.
Joey Leaders have either an Australian animal or aboriginal word for an alias name.
We ask each family to help by being a parent helper on 2-4 nights per term.
General Format of Joey Night:
★ Arrival
★ While waiting for everyone to arrive, the children can play with the balls available
★ Opening Ceremony – stand in a circle with the leaders – includes doing the “H.O.P” (Help Other People – motto of Joey Scouts), saluting the Australian flag
★ Activities – sometimes based on a theme (e.g. Mothers’ night, Clean Up Australia, Australiana, Bring a Friend night) & usually include:
★ Games (indoor or outdoor) * crafts * sometimes a story * activity (e.g. cooking or sampling)
★ Closing Ceremony – stand in a circle with the leaders – includes doing the “H.O.P”, saying goodnight to the leaders & thanks to the parent helpers & any announcements for the families
Joey Scouts Badges
There are five badges that the Joey Scouts will work towards during their time in this section. The first four badges will be worked into the program by the Leaders at approximately one badge per one to two terms. If the Joey attends all relevant meetings they will achieve the badge. These badges are titled Environment, Care & Share, Buddy Scout and Adventure.
The fifth badge is the culmination of their experience in Joey Scouts and is called the Promise Challenge badge. It can be achieved during the transition phase to Cubs.
This badge can then be worn on the Cub uniform until the Bronze Boomerang section of the award scheme in Cubs is achieved.
Major Events for Joey Scouts
Joeys can attend an overnight camp that occurs every two years, these camps are referred to as Kangaree.
Joeys arrive at the site the Saturday morning. They spend the afternoon attending a range of themed activity bases, participating in games, crafty activities, challenges, and sensory experiences. There is a “campfire” in the evening, with lots of songs to sing and dance to.
Joeys then spend the night in a huge space with several hundred other Joeys and Leaders. The next morning is more activity bases before closing parade and the trip home.
Detailed information regarding fees is provided on the Parent Information Page
Would you like to join us:
For enquiries about joining our Cub Scout Pack, becoming a Leader, joining the Committee, or other Sections of our Group, please contact us using the form provided.
New members are requested to E-mail our Group Leader prior to attending a meeting night.
To join the 1st Point Cook Scout Group, please E-mail our Group Leader