Frequently Asked Questions
You probably have many questions about Scouting. We have prepared answers to some of the frequently asked ones.
Yes. We are more than happy for new youth members to try Scouting before deciding to join. We do ask this is by prior arrangement to ensure we at the Hall and able to answer any question you may have on the night.
You will need to complete a Youth Membership Application, this is to ensure we have your correct contact information and any relevant safety / medical condition details, but will not need to pay any fees at this point. There is no obligation for the first 3 weeks, after which you can decide if you want to join up. At this point you will be invoiced for the Scout Victoria membership fee, and our groups term fee.
Please note, unfortunately some sections do have a waiting list to join, but we do have other Scouting groups in the area that would be happy to assist.
Yes. Girls have been part of Scouting in Australia since 1981 and can join any of the sections currently operating at 1st Point Cook Scouts (i.e. Joeys Cubs, Scouts and Venturers).
There is a one-off registration fee of $220, this covers the initial registration and membership with Scouts Victoria, group scarf and the initial set of badges.
Each term is $130, we ask that each term’s fee is paid in advance.
We are a not-for-profit group, every dollar goes toward the cost of providing the best Scouting experience we can. We do not receive operating funding from any other sources, and we are all volunteers, so we rely on the term fees to cover our costs. Fund raising initiatives run by the group are used to help improve or replace equipment used on our scouting activities
No. The fees do not cover the cost of camps and outings which are additional. The main cost for parents over and above the term fees is for camp fees (accommodation, food, activities) and personal equipment. The cost of good equipment can be high, so we recommend for new scouts that you consider hiring or borrowing the gear for the first few camps rather than buy it until you have worked out what equipment suits your child best.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please speak to our Treasurer, Section Leader or Group Leader to discuss the situation and determine what arrangements can be made so that your child doesn’t miss out.
Unfortunately No, the fees and fund raising activities are the only funding sources that cover the costs of running the program, as such no concessions are available for parents with a Health Care Card or any other kind of government concession card.
That said, there are special circumstances that can be discussed and considered on a case-by-case basis.
The Scout financial year is the same as the ATO Tax Year, July 1st to June 30th.
Please contact the 1st Point Cook Treasurer, Group Leader, or your child’s Section Leader to discuss any financial hardship you may be experiencing.
All Scouts in Australia wear a uniform that is made up of a Scout shirt, navy blue / tan pants / shorts and a belt. When a Scout is invested they will be provided with a 1st Point Cook scarf, a woggle and badges. Scouts are “Sun Smart” and need to wear a broad brimmed hat or something similar when participating in any outdoor activities.
For those trying out scouting, they should bring a water bottle, and wear a collared shirt / polo top, pants and runners to their first 3 meetings. Once they have decided to join they will need to purchase a scout shirt.
Appropriate footwear is also essential. Sneakers, sand shoes or other closed toed shoes are good. Bare feet, sandals, thongs or crocs are not allowed.
The official uniform consists of a shirt, scarf and woggle. The Scouting shirt is mainly blue, with a coloured band running from one sleeve, across the shoulder to the other sleeve. Each section (Joeys, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers) have a unique colour. A shirt must be purchased by each member. At 1st Point Cook we will supply the first scarf, woggle and badges on investiture.
Uniforms can be purchased from Snowgum or Online at the Scouts Shop. To view the uniform and latest prices visit The Scouts Shop online (, or for the location of the Snowgum store (
As a member of scouts, your child will participate in various award / achievement schemes. The badges that they earn need to be sewn onto their shirt in specific locations.
Check the Scouts Victoria website for the detail placement.
If you still have any questions, please talk to your leaders.
The majority of equipment is provided by the Scout Group, we own or have access to a large range of camping and outdoor equipment such as tents, ropes, stoves and cooking gear, etc. Your membership fees and other money raised through Fund raising initiatives run by the group are used to help improve or replace equipment used on our scouting activities.
However, you will need to purchase or hire some equipment such as a sleeping bag, stretcher, hiking pack, drink bottle, “dilly bag” and kitchen utensils for your child to participate in camps. Your child’s leaders will advise you of what is needed for camps.
When you first meet with your Section Leader it is very important to discuss any medical conditions that your child may have. Leaders have access to training to support children with many types of medical conditions. With the correct information leaders can plan risk strategies to deal with medical issues should they arise.
Once registered with Scouts, you will receive an email inviting you to complete or share an on-line CareMonkey Profile for your child, this will allow the leaders on-line access to your child’s medical information for section nights and activities when away from the hall and camps.
All leaders must complete training courses and ensure that their training remains current. They can also undertake advanced and specialised training courses that can result in business and leadership qualifications being awarded. Many of these qualifications are recognised outside of Scouting throughout Australia. All training is arranged through the Scouts Australia Institute of Training which is a registered Australian training organisation.
The Scout Association aims to provide all leaders with development opportunities so that they can operate effectively within their appointed role. This occurs through formal training courses, on the job training activities and other development situations.
The safety and wellbeing of the youth in our care is our number one concern and priority. Scouts Australia’s child protection system is amongst the best in the country. All leaders at 1st Point Cook Scouts undergo a mandatory Police check, a Working with Children Check, are required to provide references as part of their leader application and receive comprehensive, ongoing training in dealing with children.
All Leaders must sign a document under which they agree to abide by a Code of Conduct, which incorporates important principles of child protection. We cater for medical, physical and dietary requirements by obtaining all the necessary information to allow Leaders and other helpers to take appropriate action. At least one person trained in first aid attends all major events.
Every role within our scout group is undertaken on a volunteer basis by family members or member of the community that volunteer their time to Scouting.
We rely on the Support of the families to help by regular attendance at your child’s section activities (for example by attending as a rostered parent helper once per term). This is particularly important for the Joeys and Cubs sections.
All Parent helpers are required to obtain a Working with Children check. As a volunteer this check is free of charge, further details and the application process are on the Victorian Government Working with Children web site.
Parents can also help by participating in fundraising activities, and by attending family events, special presentations and our end of your Christmas breakup.
As the children have made a promise to both Scouting and to themselves, your involvement in the Group will significantly increase the benefits experienced by your child. This can be done by:
- Involving yourself in supporting activities – including activities, camps etc, outside normal Scouting hours.
- Becoming a rostered Parent Helper.
- Being involved in the Committee.
- Considering taking a uniformed Leader position.
- Or a number of other supporting roles such a becoming a badge examiner for the various sections.
We try to manage our commitments and to make adult involvement as convenient as possible. More than that, we hope that volunteering with us will be an enriching activity and a pleasure for you and your family.